In a nutshell, Securebase can help you, the individual or the organization, organize your thoughts and feelings in ways that lead to clarity and then action. Securebase can be part of what’s known as your “Circle of Security,” a pattern of going out into the world to explore, take risks, experiment, create, succeed, fail, and adapt, knowing that you have a base to return to; a base where you can organize your thoughts and feelings, see the meaning of it all, and find the resilience, purpose, and hope to go back out.

The Securebase Difference

The process follows the three-part phase developed at Securebase. Presence is the caring, curious, and courageous engagement that creates a one-of-a-kind, rare space that sparks insight, perspective, and a wisdom we call Distance. This distance results from the quality of connection between the invested insider – the client – and the caring and competent outsider – the coach. There is a clarity to this distance that naturally gives way to action, what we call Agency.

Coaching is a client-first approach to the art and science of the elegant conversation. Coaching places the client at the center of the emotional space through disciplined attunement that helps to organize the client's thoughts and feelings, creating meaning out of previously scattered and fuzzy pieces of the puzzle. Breakthroughs, getting unstuck, and knowing just what to do next – these outcomes result from newfound clarity, self-definition, and a strengthened sense of agency. Coaching is different from counseling, which tends to gaze at the past, and from consulting, which tends to lead with answers.

ICF’s coaching competencies represent the gold standard of coaching, positive psychology, and systems theory, and its ethics mirror those of the American Psychological Association. Less thoughtful, science-based, or healthy approaches can decrease agency and increase dependency. Securebase coaching leverages the relatedness between coach and client to increase the autonomy and competence of the client


Public Speaking

Assessments look different from coaching since they involve multiple conversations, complex analyses, and come with recommendations, but the process follows the same pathway of Presence (conversations), Distance (analyses), and Agency (recommendations). Coaching sessions can evolve to add assessments or vice versa, where recommendations can include coaching. Generally, there are four kinds of assessments:

Individual assessments. Useful and of high value when you want to know someone better or before you hire or invest.

Group assessments. Great when you want to better understand your team dynamics or balance team, or if you have a team conflict situation at hand.

Organizational assessments. Invaluable when you want to get to the root, systemic causes. Solving for X sometimes requires you to look at culture, and power dynamics, or uncover historical artifacts.

Situational assessments. Things can happen and suddenly, you might be aware of a situation at hand, and in such a time, the outsider can be the difference-maker.


The psychological safety and social synergy that people feel when engaging with an effective, gifted speaker switches on a wholly unique learning posture. A social, collective learning space can break through resistance and defensiveness that generates emotions, connects dots, and inspires courage, even change. The entire reel of someone's life and multiple layers of their psyche can be accessed to add insight and perspectival shifts can occur in an instant.

Beyond individual change, collective shifts can also happen as shared language and understanding are created through mutual experience. Public speaking is a powerful and valuable tool that brings together the intellectual, emotional, and social elements in a most time-efficient and high-impact delivery format.